About u3a:
u3a is a UK-wide collection of over 1,000 local groups that provide the opportunity for retired and semi-retired people to come together and learn for fun. Make the most of life and join more than 430,000 members exploring new ideas, skills and interests.
- the sheer joy of discovery!
u3a is a UK-wide collection of over 1,000 local groups that provide the opportunity for retired and semi-retired people to come together and learn for fun. Make the most of life and join more than 430,000 members exploring new ideas, skills and interests.
- the sheer joy of discovery!
Why not join us?
Westerham u3a has a wide choice of Interest Groups. ranging from Ancestry to Yoga Social events and outings are arranged All available for a modest annual membership fee. Come and see for yourself! Find out more about Westerham u3a at a Coffee Morning, or at an Open Meeting. These are held at Westerham Hall, Quebec Avenue, London Road, Westerham TN16 1BG |
Coffee Mornings are now held on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 10.30am (including August).
It is a good opportunity for potential members to come along and find out more about Westerham u3a.
The next coffee morning is on the 2nd August

Our next 10th Anniversary Celebration is an Afternoon Tea at Westerham Hall on Thursday 10th August 2023 at 2pm
2023 marks the 10th anniversary of Westerham u3a and we are celebrating with a scrummy afternoon tea provided by the Courtyard Cafe. There will be light entertainment and a raffle - and even a special cake!!
2023 marks the 10th anniversary of Westerham u3a and we are celebrating with a scrummy afternoon tea provided by the Courtyard Cafe. There will be light entertainment and a raffle - and even a special cake!!