In addition to the fantastic range of interest and study groups already up and running, there are a number of new groups waiting to start up. And what a choice - unlock your creativity, join a jam session or perk up your photography ...
In addition to the fantastic range of interest and study groups already up and running, there are a number of new groups waiting to start up. And what a choice - unlock your creativity, join a jam session or perk up your photography ...
Members are reminded that Sevenoaks U3A organises Digital Image Manipulation Photography in three yearly sessions, running from October 2020 to June 2021. Each year builds on the previous year’s learning. The courses are based on the use of Adobe Photoshop Elements. All you need is a laptop.
All Westerham members are welcome to join and many do. The sessions start for members who are beginners, but who want to learn how to manipulate and make adjustments to their photographs.
The first year will meet on the third Tuesday morning of each month.
The second year is a continuation of the first year and will meet on second Tuesday morning of each month.
The third year will meet on the 2nd Thursday morning of each month
All sessions will be held from 10 am until 12.30 pm. at Holmsdale Bowls Club, near Sevenoaks.
Interested members should contact Janet Austin - her details are in the Handbook or complete the form below.
Members are reminded that Sevenoaks U3A organises Digital Image Manipulation Photography in three yearly sessions, running from October 2020 to June 2021. Each year builds on the previous year’s learning. The courses are based on the use of Adobe Photoshop Elements. All you need is a laptop.
All Westerham members are welcome to join and many do. The sessions start for members who are beginners, but who want to learn how to manipulate and make adjustments to their photographs.
The first year will meet on the third Tuesday morning of each month.
The second year is a continuation of the first year and will meet on second Tuesday morning of each month.
The third year will meet on the 2nd Thursday morning of each month
All sessions will be held from 10 am until 12.30 pm. at Holmsdale Bowls Club, near Sevenoaks.
Interested members should contact Janet Austin - her details are in the Handbook or complete the form below.
The following groups need more enthusiastic members to get them up and running. If you are interested in joining any of them, fill in the form below.
If none of the above topics match your interests, please add other topic by filling in the form below and we will canvas interest with the other members: