Westerham U3A offers a wide range of interest groups:
You can study a language, read books or poetry, keep fit, play games, visit theatres or places of interest ... and much more! Allotment Group - Appreciating Architecture - Appreciating Great Paintings - Archaeology & History; Basic Science Concepts - Beginners' Bridge - Teams' Bridge - Book Club (1 & 2); Circle Dancing - Current Affairs - Cycling Group; Digital Image Manipulation Photography (1st year/2nd year/3rd year/4th year); Fly Fishing - French (conversation & advanced); Gardening; Handicrafts; Italian (beginners & conversation); Local Studies - London Studies; Mahjong - Military History ; Opera Appreciation ; Poetry - Public speaking; Science and Technology - Small Houses and Gardens of historical interest - Spanish (beginners & conversation) - Sunday Lunch; Theatre and Film Group - Travel Book Group; Ukulele ; Walking Group - Watercolour Painting - Wine (and beer) Appreciation; Yoga Note, some groups are offered in association with Edenbridge or Sevenoaks. Find out more about varied interest groups here: Groups A-D, E-K, L-R and S-Z. Also see the list of Potential groups. |
Government advice is that for the time being everyone should stop non-essential contact with others and adopt social distancing. This particularly applies to people in the ‘at risk category’ and those over the age of 70 should take particular care.
In the light of this advice, the Committee has decided to cancel use of Westerham Hall until the end of June 2020 - for both Open Meetings and Interest and Study Group meetings. Also face-to-face scheduled Interest and Study Group meetings should be cancelled. Read advice from Head Office on ways of continuing through the use of the internet and telephone. This website offers free conference calling. |
How to join a group
You can register your interest at OMs but please remember it is then up to you to contact the Group Leader - their contact details are available at the study group display area at OMs.
Groups that are full sometimes have a waiting list, so either a new group can be formed when there is enough interest, or those at the top of the list will be asked to join when spaces become available.
How to join a group
You can register your interest at OMs but please remember it is then up to you to contact the Group Leader - their contact details are available at the study group display area at OMs.
Groups that are full sometimes have a waiting list, so either a new group can be formed when there is enough interest, or those at the top of the list will be asked to join when spaces become available.
The Westerham U3A Strummers ...
A 22-strong ukulele group meets weekly, singing and playing a variety of traditional and popular folk, country and popular songs. There is a short tuition session followed by strumming and singing.
This year they have performed at U3A functions, local musical festivals, birthdays, a coffee bar, a retirement home … and at a wake.
The group has produced five songbooks with 150 numbers - it meets weekly at Westerham Hall.
What is a ukulele? A member of the guitar family ...
A 22-strong ukulele group meets weekly, singing and playing a variety of traditional and popular folk, country and popular songs. There is a short tuition session followed by strumming and singing.
This year they have performed at U3A functions, local musical festivals, birthdays, a coffee bar, a retirement home … and at a wake.
The group has produced five songbooks with 150 numbers - it meets weekly at Westerham Hall.
What is a ukulele? A member of the guitar family ...
Learning Latin
If you wish you could read ancient inscriptions or translate mottoes, then come and revive your schooldays, or learn the basics, by joining our group led by experienced tutors.
Meetings are held fortnightly with new classes, starting when demand is there. For further information contact Andrew Shaw Hamilton, on 01732 863033, or email [email protected]
Per ardua ad astra?
If you wish you could read ancient inscriptions or translate mottoes, then come and revive your schooldays, or learn the basics, by joining our group led by experienced tutors.
Meetings are held fortnightly with new classes, starting when demand is there. For further information contact Andrew Shaw Hamilton, on 01732 863033, or email [email protected]
Per ardua ad astra?
More group leaders wanted!
Do you have a hidden skill? An enthusiasm you would like to share with others? Don't be shy - email [email protected] particularly if you are able to help start up one of the potential new groups listed above.
Enthusiastic volunteer are always needed to get groups off the ground. Have you filled in our Skills Survey? We rely on the contribution of members!
Do you have a hidden skill? An enthusiasm you would like to share with others? Don't be shy - email [email protected] particularly if you are able to help start up one of the potential new groups listed above.
Enthusiastic volunteer are always needed to get groups off the ground. Have you filled in our Skills Survey? We rely on the contribution of members!
Are there any keen snappers out there? We always need photographs for the website - it is particularly good to see shots of U3A groups in action. Please email them, with captions and perhaps a short description, to the email address below. You will need to ensure that all those in the photograph have agreed that it may be published.
Please do not join a study group that has a limited capacity unless you are able to attend most meetings. If you cannot attend on two/three consecutive occasions, please keep in touch with your Group Leader so they know that you still wish to be a member. Group Leaders may ask inactive members to make way for those on the waiting list.
Please do not join a study group that has a limited capacity unless you are able to attend most meetings. If you cannot attend on two/three consecutive occasions, please keep in touch with your Group Leader so they know that you still wish to be a member. Group Leaders may ask inactive members to make way for those on the waiting list.
“U3A taught me things I have missed along life’s way.”